On the seventeenth day I woke up only about midday still feel sleepy. Ingus introduced me to a lot of people already who is learning thai-boxing, kung-fu and karate in here meanwhile working as an English teachers.

My visa in China expires in about a month and I think i'm gonna stay here for about a few days or even a week to find out properly what to do next and where to go forward. I really like in here. It is a great country.

It's so good in here that actually I don't want to go any further. The Chinese girls are better than I expected, too. :) so a lot of things might come up in here!:)

Next day I got up at 2 PM because of yesterdays going out to some club and drinking beer, we decided to finally go for a walk to see at least something more from Tianjin than just a beer and weed. :)

Everything is crowded and it seems like there is no rules on the roads and traffic is moving as it happens, with no rules at all.

I like it here and more and more with every day I'm willing to stay here just need to decide when - should I continue my trip and come back afterwards or stay here now.

So it's been a third week of my travel, and I'm still in Tianjin. Yesterday I visited some factory of electric ... Some things ...:) I'm not qiite sure about... But it seemed to me like something very interesting.. If anybody understands it - please let me know. Probably someone needs them somewhere?:)

And my friends from Kaluga (close to Moscow, Russia) who I met during my trip sent me some forgotten photos with vodka and some Russian girls. It made me remember the good times I spent in Russia.

Generally I could divide Russia into three parts: the one until Ural mountains - very European part of the Russia; from Ural mountains till lake Baikal - real Russia - friendly and very helping; and Russia after lake Baikal - the part I didn't enjoyed much but there are some beautiful things to do as well.

So, I'm thinking of to take off for the rest of my trip on this weekend. I still have to go to Tibet where is needed some special permit and reach my main goal - mountain Kailash.